This special gift set includes three products from the series of chili oils containing domestic gold leaf, a high-quality ingredient considered to bring good luck.
This is a set product that includes chili oil (with gold leaf), chili oil spice (with gold leaf), and chili oil furikake (with gold leaf).
Sankyo Foods boasts the No. 1 share of the chilli oil market in Japan's restaurant industry.
This chili oil boasts the No. 1 market share and is the most chosen "authentic chili oil" in the food industry.
Crispy fried garlic, cooked using a unique technique, adds a rich texture to the rich, flavorful chili oil. FOODBASE 's chili oil is made using a secret original recipe that makes the most of the flavor of each ingredient, making it an instinctively delicious dish.
The spices and furikake that are made from these ingredients are magical seasonings that can easily transform any dish into a special masterpiece.
The spices can be used in meat dishes, salads, or dissolved in hot water to make soup base, adding the flavor of Japan's best chili oil to a variety of cooking methods.
The recipe was developed with the aim of making Furikake that goes better with white rice than regular chili oil.
By adding seaweed and sesame seeds, it goes better with rice than regular chili oil.
The flavorful seaweed and sesame seeds give it a strong Japanese feel, and you can enjoy it in a variety of dishes, such as Japanese-style pasta, by simply mixing it with pasta.
100g chili oil
40g spicy oil
40g spicy oil furikake
Tsubame Bussan Co., Ltd. Special Order Original Smart Spoon 1 piece
Craftsmanship JAPAN QUALITY
Original Smart Spoon
This original smart spoon was specially ordered from Tsubame Bussan Co., Ltd., Japan's first manufacturer specializing in the production of metal Western-style tableware, with a history of over 110 years.
The tip of the head is thinned to less than 1mm, the manufacturing limit, and craftsmen round off the corners by hand polishing each and every one. The slender shape is completely different from conventional spoons, and because it fits on plates and bottles like a spatula, it is useful in a variety of situations.